You are here: Job Costing > Assigning Cost To Jobs > Cost Entry > Back Orders

Back Orders

Where there is insufficient stock for an inventory item then it will be placed on back order when the form is activated. The system setting in Job Costing > ReceiveGoodsAgainstJobWIP controls how back orders are fulfilled by activating Goods Received Notes or running Process Back Orders when there is available stock. Back order can also be cancelled.


1. Job Costing Transactions Cost Entry OR load the Job, click Transactions tab, select Materials - Inventory, Labour, Journal or Resources and click Create Transactions
2. Click New
3. Job Code - select from the search window or type the code in full e.g. 003-400-070
4. Line Type - select Material from the drop down box and part number from the Item search window
5. Type in the Required Qty and any shortfall appears in the Back Ordered Qty field

Remember the back order records are NOT created until the form is activated

6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 as needed and save
7. Activate when complete and back orders are created for the inventory items

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